Diary Days 21/8/10 ...
Some time ago, an email was sent to a girl called Sarah who is inspirational... please read on to find out more....
Hugo is a mouse. He is handmade and hand-stitched with love by Sarah.
He is created for children with life-threatening or terminal illnesses or those with long-term illness or disability, to offer them love and support in times of need.
He is so, so cute... take a look at the website at Hugo's Hope
two bears at dawn |
Bella-Bear thought that Eilidh might like a Hugo Mouse to be there for her on her journey with SMA so she wrote an email to Sarah this morning...
Hi Sarah
My name is Bella-Bear and I'm writing to you to refer my little girl friend Eilidh who I know would love to receive a Hugo.
Eilidh is 19 months old and was diagnosed with Spinal Muscular Atrophy 3 months ago.
She is beautiful and content and happy: she is also very strong willed and determined.
Eilidh makes all those who come into contact with her smile.
She gives me great big squishy cuddles and I love her so, so much, but I think that we, Eilidh and I, need someone to help us and give us cuddles : we thought of you and Hugo!
You see, Eilidh's mummy and daddy are looking into getting Eilidh a wheelchair and Eilidh gets a little scared when in the chair - there is plenty room for Hugo to come on too and join us on her Whizzy Wheels!
We live in Glasgow in Scotland and I have a lovely home full of fun and laughter but it's also just a little sad at the moment as everyone is coming to terms with Eilidh's diagnosis.
The words that come to mind when I think of Eilidh are: touch & tickle, love & laughter, hope & grace.
Eilidh's mummy has started blogging about our lives but it hasn't gone live yet, but you are more than welcome to check it out...
I've attached a couple of photos too - one of eilidh and me when she was little - it's my favourite picture of us together! and a more recent one of her on a swing - she loves swings, Sarah!
Well, I'm off for some honey sandwiches for lunch
Love and cuddles to you and kisses for Hugo
Hugo Mouse is made with love by Sarah and each one is individual. Sarah know what it is like to be physically limited and in a wheelchair; even though I have not met her, she inspires me. She does not want our children to be alone at night or when they go in to hospital. She wants them always to have Hugo near, inspiring them and filling them with hope. The words that Bella-Bear has asked to be embroidered onto Hugo are words that mean so much to me today, but I hope, in time, that they will come to remind Eilidh how much she is loved and offer her hope and inspiration when times are hard.
Not every child who is referred will be blessed with a Hugo, so fingers and toes crossed that my beautiful little Eilidh is... Bella-Bear is hoping too...